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APTA Triennial General Assembly Delegates in Singapore
Representatives from Pacific Oceania Region (All Pacific Islanders)
Representatives from Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, and Thailand)
Representatives from Northern Asia Region (China, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan)
2017 Theological Commissioners
World Alliance for Pentecostal Theological Education Board Members
2017 APTA Board
Representatives from the Australasia Region (Australia and New Zealand)
10th Triennial General Assembly in Siem Reap Cambodia
APTA Triennial General Assembly Delegates in Thailand
2017 Accreditation Commissioners
APTA General Assembly Delegates
APTA General Assembly Delegates 2
2017 TDCC Commissioners
Representatives from Southeast Asia (Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia)
2017 Accreditation Commissioners