The Teacher Certification is a service to members who choose to voluntarily participate. Certification is defined by the Association to mean that an individual has been recognized to have fulfilled an objective list of criteria which qualifies the individual for a specific level of recognition.
APTA Teacher Certification can provide:
1. Formal recognition of an individual teacher’s training and experience;
2. Incentive for teachers to continue developing their professional skills;
3. Guidelines for faculty selection, evaluation, and retention;
4. Assistance as a school progresses toward accreditation.
5. Common standards for teachers at specific levels of professional development.
In order to be certified, an individual must:
1. Be member of APTA in good standing;
2. Agree with the Statement of Fundamental Truths stated in Article III of the APTA Constitution;
3. Demonstrate exemplary Christian character;
4. Give evidence of being in good standing with his denomination or local church, if the applicant is not a credentialed minister.
5. Have completed at least 96 credit units of post secondary education or its equivalent.
Downloadable Forms and Manuals below:
APTA Teacher Certification Initial Application Form